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    ISIN Registration: Fees, Process and More

    ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) is unique 12 digit alphanumeric code which is assigned specific securities in order to make record the transaction, clearance, and making settlement while trading. The code is allotted by the NNA (National Numeric Agency), which is located in country to country. ISIN number is not exactly same as ticker symbol, through ISIN number, securities are identified at the stock exchange level and they are also recognized at universe level.

    ISIN is used for several purposes, some primary objectives are clearance and settlement, we can track the transactions with the help of ISIN code. This blog is based on ISIN registration, if you are the one who is seeking for complete details for international securities identification number then this is the suitable blog where we are supposed to explore. 

    What is ISIN Number?

    ISIN code is a unique identification number of 12 digits, which is assigned to securities, by NNS country specific. Its aim is to track the transaction and facilitate the stock settlement and clearance at the exchange level, these securities are recognized globally with its ISIN number. Hence all international securities issues must obtain this 12-digit ISIN number for their security. It is now an accepted standard in all countries.

    What is the Difference between ISIN and CUSIP?

    Do you know what CUSIP is? It is a unique 9 digit identification number for securities, but CUSIP is only for the securities which are issued in the United States and Canada. On the other hand, ISIN is also issued for the securities, but recognized and accepted worldwide not only in US and Canada. ISIN has 12 digit of alphanumeric number.

    Process of ISIN Registration

    1. Application: The issuer of the security or authorized preventative will visit to the NNA in the respective country for the application for ISIN. All the required information needs to be provided such as security name, type, currency and more.

    2. Verification: Provided information in the application is verified by the authority, there may be requirement of additional documents and clarification if needed.

    3. Allocation: If NNA observes that, the specific security meets all the requirement for the ISIN code, then, it assigns a 12 digit alphanumeric unique code to the security which is recognized globally.

    4. Registration: Eventually NNA registers the security with its unique ISIN number, which is the sign that this security maintains all the standards of international market in trade.

    Once it is issued it stays with the security for the lifetime, this will track all the transactions of the security, make settlement and clearance of amount at exchange. ISIN code is most of the time used by financial institutions, banks, companies, regulators and investors to identify security.

    Also Read:- Mandatory Dematerialization of Securities

    Who Can Apply?

    • Any third party (attorneys, fund managers, fund admins, lead manager, paying agent, consultants, etc.) which are authorized by the company can apply for ISIN code.
    • Staff or team member of the company, which is issuing security and in need of ISIN.
    • Staff or team member of the parent company of the issuer of security.

    ISIN Fees

    As far as we know the fees for ISIN registration vary from company to company and the number of ISIN codes you request for. Apart from this there are some other factors too such as whether the issuance is debt or equity.

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