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Public Limited Company

A Public Limited Company (PLC) is a business entity whose shares are publicly traded on a stock exchange, offering limited liability to its shareholders and enabling capital raising from the general public. To incorporate your PLC, get in touch with CRSPL experts for complete assistance.

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If you are looking for a public limited company registration then you have come to the right platform. Public Limited Company is one of the most preferred choice, as it is eligible to raise capital not only from promoters, relatives, investors, but also from the public by offering shares in the share market.  

Anyone is eligible to buy shares of a public limited company, whether through IPO (Initial Public Offering) or trading on the stock marketed, since all the information of the public limited company is available on the public data, it has been easy to explore all the details and authenticity of the company, that improves the credibility of a public limited company.

The company can offer shares to the Public through IPO subject to fulfill Conditions and Guidelines as specified under the Companies Act 2013, SEBI Act and Regulations and other Acts. A public limited company is required to publish its true financial details to its shareholders, it usually contributes to raise capital from external sources. 

As per the Companies Act 2013, public company means a company that: -

•  Is not a private company
•  Has a minimum paid-up share capital, as prescribed


A public limited company is one of the most opted forms of company because there are certain benefits of registering a public limited company, they are as follows: -

•  Limited Liability
•  Separate Legal Entity
•  Perpetual Secession
•  Easy Exit and Transferability 
•  Borrowing Capacity
•  Investment Ready

To register a public limited company, you must meet these eligibility criteria: -

•  Minimum 7 shareholders are required
•  Minimum number of directors is 3
•  There are no limit on the maximum number of members in a public company
•  Shareholders of the public limited company are free to transfer their shares
•  A public company can offer the public to subscribe the shares of the company


Part A

Name Reservation (applicable for only new companies)

Part B

•  Company Incorporation 
•  Application for DIN
•  PAN application
•  TAN application
•  GSTIN application
•  EPFO Registration
•  ESIC Registration
•  Opening bank account for the company 
•  Profession tax registration (only for Maharashtra)


•  Proof of identity of all the shareholders and directors
•  Proof of address of all the directors and the shareholders
•  PAN number of all the shareholders and directors
•  Utility bill of the proposed office i.e. proposed registered office for the company
•  A NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the landlord where the office of the company will be situated
•  Director Identification Number (DIN) of directors
•  Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) of the directors
•  Memorandum of Association (MOA)
•  Articles of Association (AOA)
•  Contact details of Directors/Company/Shareholders
•  Educational qualification of Directors


To be Updated


Generally, a public company registration takes up to 3 to 5 working days after submitting the application successfully, it may vary from the end of department.


A public limited company is the form of company whose shares can be subscribed by the members of public, it has minimum 7 members and maximum number is not mentioned yet.

Minimum 7 persons are required to register a public limited company, members of the company can perform as directors and shareholders at the same time, it is not necessary they should be different from others.

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